Sunday, August 5, 2007

Changed My Mind

Ya know how in my last post I said there's nothing wrong with there being a lot of Europeans around? Well...there is when they traipse through our campsite. Not only that but WHILE we're eating dinner! WTF?! There should be a rule book handed out to people when they check in. Or better yet...something that has to be signed saying you read the rules. That way, you can't just get the stuff handed to you and never read it.
And- while I'm on this tirade...I know it would suck, but given that I can't drive to or from work without coming across some person driving with their head up their butt, I think it should be a requirement that people have to go to to traffic school once every two or three years. I just recently had to do it because I got a speeding ticket back in May. I didn't want to do it, and wasn't really happy about it while I was doing it, but I did learn a lot. It should be a requirement in order to renew your license or something. I think I'm done...for now. ;)

Now What?

So...we're on our road trip vacation in Bryce Canyon on our way to Yellowstone. I wasn't expecting to have an internet connection until we got to Denver, but Ruby's RV Park came through with a wireless connection! I checked email, made sure we still have money in the what? Perfect time to do some bloggin'. ;)
I've never really been on a road trip vacation. Yeah, my family drove places, but not like week long road trips. I've never been to Bryce Canyon or Yellowstone. I didn't go to Yosemite til '95. So, this is all new to me. Plus doin' it in an RV...but it's beautiful here. We did a small hike today. I think it was called the Queensland Loop? Went down into a canyon. Saw some really cool crevices and other amazing natural rock erosions. Going down was easy...but ya gotta come back up. That was a good workout. :) I woke up this morning feeling like I had no energy and had a bit of a stomach ache. WOW! Ever had one of those Power Energy powders? You just add to water and drink it. That thing did wonders! Just the kick start I needed! :)
Something very interesting that we've noticed. There are a LOT of Europeans visiting here. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just interesting. It's not like the national parks are an amusement park or your typical tourist attraction. There are also a lot of Americans, but just really interesting how many Europeans are checking out our national parks. Something else...there are a TON of rental RVs! Just looking out in front of me, there are at least 3 rentals out of 10.
Well...I think it's time to go cook dinner (all this fresh air is makin' me hungry!) or take a shower (remember that good workout coming up I mentioned?).